理論。實踐 — YELP飛躍計劃

由角聲家庭中心舉辦,為9-12年級的孩子而設,為期四個星期的飛躍計劃 (YELP, Youth Enrichment Leadership Program),已於7月20日結束。


  1. 品格塑造:導師們會以活潑生動的方法,培育學生們,如:熱誠 (passion)、毅力 (perseverance)、自律 (self-control)、職業操守及責任心 (responsibility) 等品格。
  2. 生活技能:從如何購買汽車保險到閱讀地圖;從情緒管理到如何設訂界線,從金錢管理到如何做職業企劃 (career mapping),每一項孩子離家進大學、進社會後必需的技能,中心所邀請的專業講員都會給他們細細道來。
  3. 領袖訓練:除了灌輸,如:訂立目標、決策技巧;團隊精神 (team work) 等理論外,中心更透過不同的義工服務項目,幫助孩子們將所學到的,溶會貫通地實踐出來。
  4. 義工服務:為了讓孩子的視野更為廣寛,並學會回饋社會,關懷弱勢,中心為孩子預備了到Union Rescue Mission, Children Hunger Fund, Hope Garden等非牟利機構當義工。


“…from the Poverty Encounter Tour, I learned more about the worldwide issues dealing with extreme poverty. The detailed tour really opened my eyes, and I gained a firsthand understanding of the poverty they were experiencing.”
–Rebecca Leung

“My favorite project throughout YELP would have to be the Meal Service for Union Rescue Mission and the Poverty Encounter in Sylmar. We were able to interact with a lot of people experiencing homelessness. Our tour guide told us her life story as well as how she used to be homeless but God saved her. It was heartwarming! I also liked the poverty encounter because we went through an exhibit and learned about poverty around the world. When we went to the “Nepal” room, there were bricks everywhere since people made a living out of building bricks. We learned how women had to carry around 50lbs of bricks on their heads and 75 lbs of bricks over their shoulders.”
— Jessica Lin

“I enjoyed the service project at Union Rescue the most, and consider it the most memorable because this was the first time that I had come across so many people who were experiencing homelessness. This experience really changed my perspective on a lot of things, and just let me know to count my blessings. An example is just seeing the level of gratitude the residents showed upon receiving things as simple as a small bottle of Gatorade, water, or a plate of food that I would normally receive from school on a daily basis, without thinking about it. ”
–Mindy Lin

今年的飛躍計劃與往年有一點不一樣,在中亞銀行基金會 (GBCInternationalBank Foundation) 的支助下,中心特別為三位經濟有需要的學生們提供了部份及全額獎金!不但如此,中亞銀行的EVP, CFO, Mr. Richard Holmes更親自來到上課的地方,用他的專業教導學生們理財之道!